
Showing posts from 2013

Love Knows No Distance

Commiserating with my Mom many years ago, I mentioned how huge the physical distance between us is. She reminded me that love knows no distance. It doesn't change because we are separated by many miles. I used Gypsy Couture's new kit 'Hypnotic Soul' for the page. The alpha is from her 'HoHoRetro' kit. (Kit no longer available)  It is time to scan a page or two from my journal again, to show you what I've been up to. I really enjoy working both in digital and 'real life messy' formats. There are pro's and cons to both. Perfection will lie in combining the best of both worlds...but that would be pretty difficult to do. Right now this is working for me though...

2 Too

Ever felt like this? Too fast Too much Too many Like the volcano is building up pressure....I'm so glad I'm not feeling like this right now, but this was not so long ago....I like the way the type stamp fills the sky with busy talk. Just what I wanted...even if the stamp did not take equally well on the back ground. That is covered with oil pastel and gouche paint. Not sure why the success rate varied, but hey! It all adds to the randomness of a quick thought put on paper, right? I'm not sure that this is actually finished either...most likely I'll stumble across it at some point in time and add a whole lot more busyness stuff to it. I would like to add more dimensional paint (like the lava) too, but for now I'm just seeing if it will stick to itself and maybe pull of the page, before I do anymore. Experimentation is the name of the game.


Sadly neglected this blog, but I am journaling. In one way or another. Also sad is how busy my life is that I seldom get the chance to post stuff. That is just no fun. At least I am ‘good’ busy. I thought I’d show you this double page spread I did quite some time ago now. Just needed to do something with a read pen on real paper, so I grabbed a quote that had made a picture in my head and sketched it out. It is all wrong in many places, but that is exactly why I have art journals. So I can make mistakes and ignore them. Not because they don’t matter, but because they are not the most important thing in my life. I don’t want to be ruled by mistakes. Real or imagined. So I just do it,, cringe, swallow hard….and move right on And in spite of it all I totally enjoyed doing this. Got more sketched, just need to add the colours etc. This is a good old journal from Walmart. I had watercolour washes on the page to start. The rest is colour pencil and some markers. Another reason why I li...